Sunday, April 11, 2010

Last thoughts

I can’t believe the semester is almost over. How time flies. I was presently surprised with all of the literature we covered in this class. I didn't know what to expect when I registered for the class as I have never read any of the literature before. I found really enjoyed all of the books and stories we read, but what I found the most interesting was the contrasting styles between GGM’s Cien años de soledad and the stories within McOndo.

I found the evolution of the magical realist genre very interesting, peaking with the work of GGM. Initially I thought I would not enjoy the book as I had a preconceived notion of what it would be like. I figured it would be kind of like Pan’s Labyrinth. Not to say that it was a bad movie, just not my particular style. Thus, I thought I would not enjoy the book at all. However, as I read it I found myself liking it more and more. Although I have not read much in the genre, given the previous books we read in class Cien años de soledad seemed to me to be one of the paramount works of magical realism. Then, after reading such an intense book that produced so much vivid imagery in my head it was very interesting to read the post boom work of the McOndo writers. After Cien años de soledad I found the change in literary style to be quite a shock but I enjoyed booth styles so much. I really enjoyed Cien años de soledad for its imagery and fantastical nature, but at the same time, I really enjoyed the stories form McOndo for the realism. Cien años de soledad took me away to a different world where the strangest things are possible while still delivering many important messages, many which I am still trying to grasp. As for McOndo, I liked it for the fact I could relate to the stories in some degree or another. I thought that reading these two back to back was great because it displayed the variation in Latin American literature and how it has evolved over the years.

I also really enjoyed the structure of the class. I found the blogs to be very informative and although I am finding the Wikipedia project quite a difficult task, I really think it is a great project. To be contributing to something that many people all over the world use and making it more legitimate is great idea. I honestly think more classes should incorporate this type of project.


Anonymous said...

I also liked how much we can relate to the events in McOndo. I think this is even better than any 'vivid imagery' that GGM gives us in Cien anos... I did enjoy Cien anos and although we compared both of them in class.. I'm not sure we can even compare them and say which is better because they are just so different..

Jon said...

Yes, the stories in McOndo are quite a change of pace and style after Cien años. I don't think we necessarily have to choose between them--I like both--but the point, as you say, is rather to see the diversity of Latin American writing today.

Unknown said...

After reading your post I realize I forgot to mention what I thought of the blog and wikipedia aspects of the course. I agree that they were both worthwhile--the blog has helped me to stay on top of the readings and more importantly to come up with my own interpretations before class discussion. I've enjoyed the wiki project because it's like writing a research paper but it's actually useful for the public! what a concept :)

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